Words of Grace

A Quarterly Newsletter of the Grace Fellowship Church Reading Ministries.

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

Words of Grace Summer '06

Why Read?

“Give yourself to reading. He who will not use the thoughts of other men's brains proves that he has no brains of his own. You need to read. Renounce as much as you will all light literature, but study as much as possible sound theological works, especially the Puritanic writers, and expositions of the Bible. The best way for you to spend your leisure is to be either reading or praying.” --Charles Haddon Spurgeon

This Issue’s Book Review: Henry Martyn: Confessor of the Faith (by Constance Padwick)

This biography is an encouraging read. It chronicles the life of Henry Martyn (1781-1812), missionary to India.

Martyn was discipled by the great British preacher Charles Simeon while at Cambridge University. Young Martyn showed promise as a scholar, earning the title Senior Wrangler (awarded to the winner of the annual mathematics problem-solving competition), and awaiting a brilliant career in law. But under Simeon’s influence, he abandoned all to serve Christ as a chaplain to the East India Company.

This story is of a man besot with hardships, yet who found Christ sweeter as his world grew more bitter. He endured the difficulties of a godly yet academic personality while on a ship with largely godless sailors. His influence on several of the men is a testimony to the grace of God in this young man’s life.

Perhaps the most touching storyline is the bittersweet romance between Martyn and a young woman named Lydia. The chapter detailing their romance is a lesson in loving Christ above all loves in this world.

The final chapters detail Martyn’s struggle with tuberculosis, while translating the New Testament into Hindustani, Arabic, and Persian. It is amazing that one whose strength was draining was becoming more and more driven to finish the work the Lord had given him to do. As death drew more imminent, so did the boldness with which he defended the Savior’s gospel, even against the hostility of rival religious leaders.

“Henry Martyn: Confessor of the Faith” is definitely a book worth reading. It will encourage those who struggle with loneliness, timidity, or physical maladies with this: Christ is all-sufficient, and even in our weakness He can show Himself strong.
(Reviewed by Phil Simpson. “Henry Martyn: Confessor of the Faith”, by Constance Padwick, can be checked out from the Grace Fellowship Library. )

Being Dead, Yet They Speak

“For every look at self, take ten looks at Christ.” --Robert Murray M’Cheyne, 1813-1843

“One of the greatest privileges and helps to the believer, both in this world and in eternity, consists in their beholding the glory of Christ.” --John Owen, 1616-1683

“The Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have begun thinking less of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this. Aim at heaven and you get earth thrown in; aim at earth and you get neither” --C.S. Lewis, 1898-1963

Words of Grace From Today
“The creator of the universe, who is more glorious and more to be desired than any treasure on earth, has revealed himself in Jesus Christ to be known and enjoyed forever by anyone in the world who will lay down the arms of rebellion, receive his blood-bought amnesty, and embrace his Son as Savior, Lord, and Treasure of their lives. O brothers, do not lie about the value of the gospel by the dullness of your demeanor. ” --John Piper

New to the Library:
The following titles have been added to the Grace Fellowship library. Enjoy!

-Humility: True Greatness (C.J. Mahaney)
-Desiring God (John Piper)
-The Chronicles of Narnia, One Volume Edition (C.S. Lewis)
-Why One Way? (John MacArthur)
-The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment (Jeremiah Burroughs)
-The Holiness of God (R.C. Sproul)
-The Bruised Reed (Richard Sibbes)
-Christ Our Mediator (C.J. Mahaney)
-God is the Gospel (John Piper)
-Counted Righteous in Christ (John Piper)

Library and Book Stall Bookstore News

-The library will be undergoing some improvements in the coming months. Keep looking for new items!
-Phil Simpson has volunteered to oversee the Grace Fellowship Church Library. For any questions related to the library, see him in person, or contact him at the e-mail address given at the end of this newsletter!

How Do I…

-Check a book out of the library?
Books may be checked out of the library by simply printing your name, the Title of the book borrowed, and the date borrowed in the Library Notebook, which is located on top of the library bookshelf.
-Purchase a book from the Book Stall bookstore?
-Books in the Book Stall may be purchased by taking the envelope located in the front of each book, placing the cost of the book in the envelope (if writing a check, make it payable to “Grace Fellowship Church” and write “Bookstore” in the memo), and placing the envelope in the wooden box located on the wall to the left of the bookstore shelves.
-Donate a book to the library?
Wish list:
One way to donate items to the library is to purchase a book on our Wish List. The Wish List is found in the Library Notebook, near the Library bookshelf. Just mark off the item on the Wish List you wish to purchase for the library, write the name of the item on a donation envelope (located inside the Library Notebook), and place the donation in the Bookstore Box (located to the left of the bookstore shelves).
Others: Since we aim to make the library useful and filled with what the elders feel will be the most edifying material, we need to be selective in the items we accept. If you would like to donate an item that is not on the Wish List, it will have to be pre-approved by the elders before we can accept it. Suggestions for the Wish List can be placed on the appropriate page in the Library Notebook; from there, the elders will discuss it. If approved, the book will appear on the library Wish List!
-Replace a lost book?
-If you are able to purchase the book yourself, that would be best. If you’re not sure how to purchase the book, or can’t afford to replace it, contact Phil Simpson (or e-mail him at psimpson40@verizon.net), and arrangements can be worked out.

Wanted: Book Reviews

If you would like to submit a review of a book you’ve read from either the library or the bookstore, you may e-mail it to: psimpson40@verizon.net. All book reviews are subject to editing, and should preferably be 300 words or less.

What Are You Reading Now?

Here is what current members and attendees of Grace Fellowship Church are reading right now:
*Toni F.: “Who Was Adam : A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man”, by Fazale Rana and Hugh Ross.
*Jesse H.: “Future Grace”, by John Piper.
*Jim C.: “A New Testament Blueprint for the Church" by John Moore and Ken Neff, and “The DaVinci Deception" by Erwin Lutzer.
*Stephanie T.: “When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight for Joy”, by John Piper.
*Gerald F.: “A Call to Spiritual Reformation”, by D.A. Carson.

For History Buffs

June 7, 1891--Charles Haddon Spurgeon, "Prince of Preachers," preached his last sermon at the Tabernacle in London. He chose as the topic of his final talk what it is to have Christ as our captain. Spurgeon said, “We are all one in Christ Jesus. Surely this ought to comfort those of you who, by reason of feebleness, are made to feel as if you were inferior members of the body”.
June 22- Bible commentator Matthew Henry died in 1714.

June 27th-- 1736, George Whitefield preached his first sermon. His topic: the need for Christians to help one another. Those who came to listen were so moved by the authority of his words that parishioners complained to the bishop that some had gone "mad."

July 8, 1741--Jonathan Edwards Preached one of the most famous sermons in American history: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. Under his teaching, revival swept New England in the Great Awakening.

July 12, 1739--Conversion of David Brainerd, missionary to the Stockbridge Indians in New England. Brainerd lived only 29 years but inspired many to follow Christ. William Carey and Henry Martyn followed his footsteps onto the mission field.

July 13, 1813--Adoniram Judson arrived at Rangoon, the city where he began his work among the Burmese . It was five years before the Judsons baptized their first convert.

July 26, 1833--William Wilberforce, A member of the British Parliament, as he lay dying, was brought word that the bill to outlaw slavery everywhere in the British empire had passed in Parliament. Wilberforce had introduced antislavery measures year after year for 40 years until he retired in 1825.

August 11, 1778--Death of Augustus Toplady, clergyman and writer. He was only thirty-eight when he died, but his short life-span
was enough to produce one of our most beloved hymns: Rock of Ages.

August 12, 1973--Conversion of Chuck Colson. It was the beginning of a transformation which would lead him to found Prison Fellowship and make him a respected Christian author.

August 22, 1948--The World Council of Churches was born in Amsterdam.

(Source: The Christian History Institute, http://chi.gospelcom.net/about/index.shtm).

Our Mission

The Grace Fellowship Reading Ministries exists for the purpose of bringing glory to God by serving His church, through the promotion of God-honoring literature, as well as other media. These materials are made available to His body at Grace Fellowship Church, for their edification and encouragement, so that they will be helped to appreciate the Wonders of our God, to love the gospel of the Savior as set forth on the cross, and to be a living display of His Glory by increasing in holiness, servant hood, and love.

Contact Us
For Book Stall bookstore or library-related questions, contact Phil Simpson. If you prefer e-mail, you may reach him at: psimpson40@verizon.net.