Words of Grace

A Quarterly Newsletter of the Grace Fellowship Church Reading Ministries.

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Location: Huntington, WV

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Words of Grace, Winter 2006-2007

On Reading

"Every home should have a room set apart for books, where they may be arranged in order, and kept neat and clean. A good book is a beauty, in and out, and everywhere. But great caution is necessary in the selection of reading matter. The world is flooded with a muddy overflow of literary trash.”
--Horatius Bonar

This Issue’s Book Review: “The Liberty of Obedience”, by Elisabeth Elliot

Probably most of you by know have heard of or watched The End of the Spear, the recent movie release about martyred missionaries trying to share the gospel with the Auca Indians of South America. Elisabeth Elliot was one of the widowed wives who returned with her three year old daughter to live with that same tribe of people.

In her book, The Savage My Kinsman, she writes about her life with them. The Liberty of Obedience explains how she studied the essential tenets of the Christian faith in order to share them. She questioned, "And would we have the grace to let that Word operate as He wanted it to, or would we hold out our own notions or the effect it should have?" This is an interesting question for everyone interested in sharing the gospel in a cross-cultural setting. Or to help all of us understand more clearly what cultural trappings we may have absorbed into our own Christian faith. Elliott discusses her examinations about the teachings and examples of Christ regarding the appearance of evil, possessions & the heart, service for God, and Christian maturity. These questions will resonate with all of us as we seek to understand and articulate our own faith to our family members and friends, as well as people around us from dissimilar backgrounds.

"A sincere attempt to discover ways in which I might guide the Aucas in making moral choices led me to the realization that I had sometimes called things sinful which the Bible did not call sinful; and if I had imposed these on the Indians, I would have been guilty of the Pharisees' sin of laying burdens too heavy to be borne." (p. 22) In considering the question "what is meant by the appearance of evil," Elliot attempts to discern how to teach a completely different culture about sin and morality. She wrestled with issues like what does modesty really mean when no one ever wears clothes? What about polygamy? How do you avoid the appearance of evil when Christ Himself (who was perfectly sinless) was accused of gluttony, drunkenness and blasphemy? Obviously the issue lies deeper than what a culture calls evil. It must even lie deeper than what our hearts call evil, because "the heart is decitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings." (Jeremiah 17: 9,10) In examining the life of Jesus, Elisabeth Elliot found that Jesus "frequently offended the sensibilities of religious leaders," especially when they had rejected the spirit of God's law for their own ends (like denying financial assistance to needy parents in order to "give money to God" - see Matthew 15: 1-20). Jesus said to the Pharisees on one occasion, "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?" (Matthew 15:3) But at other times, like when Peter was requested to pay a tax, Jesus replied that they should comply so as not to offend them. Obviously Jesus saw to the heart of people and issues, and was able to discern God's will in each situation. He touched dead and leperous people, rendering Himself ceremonially unclean according to the Pharisees. But in reality He cleansed the unclean by the power of His divinity, just as He called the dead back to life. Elisabeth concludes this fascinating discussion by appealing to the sovereignty and wisdom and mercy of God, "Decisions must be made in the integrity of the heart before God – with an unselfish attention to our brother's good and the glory of God. None of us is capable of plumbing even his own motives, far less those of his brother, so let us be slow to criticize another. Let us not be Pharisees in our certainty of what God could or could not permit." (p. 29)

In another section, Elliot addresses the concept of worldiness for a believer in Christ. She writes, "Paul, as early as AD 62, wrote a letter to a small group of believers who had been plagued by some who set up rules and regulations concerning 'worldly' things. The Colossians, in a sincere effort to forsake the world, had submitted to these rules, and in so doing had actually made themselves part of the world-system.... Throw them off, says Paul – they look wise, they promote an exertion of willpower, but they are worthless in checking the indulgence of the flesh. They have nothing to do with the real issue." (p. 33, Colossians 2) How do we live a godly life? By vigilant self-denial and restraint – trying to be holy as much as we can, or is there a different road? This seems an interesting question for our own GFC church body, with our emphasis on biblical counseling and how people change. (Our church motto is, after all, "Jesus Christ Changing Lives.") Elliot continues to explain, "The Scripture means two things by the _expression, 'the world.' First, and most simply, it means all that is temporal. Second, and by implication, it means all those who are occupied soley with the temporal. The first category comprises things; the second, people."

Elisabeth makes a fascinating observation about Jesus. Although He was completely other-worldly in His spirit, thought, and teaching, "the Lord Jesus...conformed to the world in matters of food, drink, and dress, and even in social situations....He ate what other people ate, drank what they drank – and even in questionable company, and in such a manner that He was accused of being a glutton and a drunkard. Surely He dressed as other men dressed if He was not easily recognized on many occasions. (He even had to be identified by Judas' kiss.)" (p. 34-35) And yet, we cannot help but observe that Jesus seemed relatively unaffected by these things. He just as often could go without food for a long time (at least once His disciples had to remind Him that it was meal time!), or go for long periods of time without sleeping so He could pray. What a living picture for us of someone utterly in the world, yet completely not of it. Elliot gets to the root of our struggle with attaching ourselves unduly to these temporary things. If we set our heart on following after things that are passing away we cannot be also following after Christ, because they are going in opposite directions. "We are not asked to deny ourselves as many things as possible in order to set our hearts on the Eternal. Things are not incompatible with Christ....They are not sinful for this reason. Only human beings may be sinful... It is our use of things that determines their effect on us. It is our response to events, not the events themselves that shapes us. God is more concerned with the heart." (p. 36) When we become enamoured with "things" the world can provide for us – physical comfort, entertainment, acclaim and status, we find our desires manifesting themselves in "rivalries, bitter jealousy, and disharmony." (p. 37) But how do we keep ourselves pure from loving the things of the world more than we ought? Elliot suggests that by we receive God's blessings with thanksgiving, and sanctifying them by the the word of God and prayer. By keeping our eyes and minds on the Giver of all good gifts we may continually give Him our hearts as well. I would also add that practicing contentment and thankfulness in every situation will help us to enjoy Christ even when we don't have quite so many material blessings.

One of the reasons I enjoyed reading this book was because of the focus on the life of Christ. There is nothing like examining the gospels to get your thoughts fixed on Jesus! Elisabeth Elliot's careful analysis of evangelism (or missions) and culture was very interesting, and applicable to the whole postmodern question engaging church culture at the present. Its also interesting to learn more about her life and ministry among the Auca Indians, whom she clearly grew to love and respect. The Liberty of Obedience is engaging and thought-provoking especially as it challenges us to go deeper in our faith and sink our roots into Christ Himself, not just everyday American Christianity.
--(Reviewed by Stephanie Taylor)

“The Liberty of Obedience”, by Elisabeth Elliot, can be checked out from the Grace Fellowship Library. Procedures for checking this and other books out from the library are found in the library notebook, located on the library shelves.

Being Dead, Yet They Speak

(Below are excerpts from Jonathan‘s Edwards‘ “Resolutions”, a series of commitments he made throughout his life when reflecting on certain spiritual truths. He began this practice at age 19.)

4. Resolved, never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God.
5. Resolved, never to lose one moment of time; but improve it the most profitable way I possibly can.
7. Resolved, never to do anything, which I should be afraid to do, if it were the last hour of my life.
8. Resolved, to act, in all respects, both speaking and doing, as if nobody had been so vile as I, and as if I had committed the same sins, or had the same infirmities or failings as others; and that I will let the knowledge of their failings promote nothing but shame in myself, and prove only an occasion of my confessing my own sins and misery to God.
9. Resolved, to think much on all occasions of my own dying, and of the common circumstances which attend death.
10. Resolved, when I feel pain, to think of the pains of martyrdom, and of hell.
11. Resolved, when I think of any theorem in divinity to be solved, immediately to do what I can towards solving it, if circumstances do not hinder.
70. Let there be something of benevolence, in all that I speak.

Words of Grace From Today

“God created me – and you – to live with a single all embracing passion. All transforming passion- namely, a passion to glorify God by enjoying and displaying his supreme excellence in all the spheres of life.”
--John Piper

New to the Library:

We have several new titles which have been added to the Grace Fellowship library. Enjoy!
-New Covenant Theology (Tom Wells and Fred Zaspel)
-The Cross-Centered Life (CJ Mahaney)
-Shadow of the Almighty (Elisabeth Elliot)
-Twelve Ordinary Men (John MacArthur)
-Uprooting Anger (Robert Jones)
-Unger’s Bible Dictionary
-Strike the Original Match (Charles Swindoll)
-Improving Your Serve (Charles Swindoll)
-Anxiety Attacked (John MacArthur)
-Sacred Marriage (Gary Thomas)
-Age of Opportunity (Paul David Tripp)
-Not Even a Hint (Josh Harris)
-Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands (Paul David Tripp)
-The Peacemaker (Ken Sande)
-Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (John Piper/Wayne Grudem, eds.)
-Love to Eat, Hate to Eat (Elyse Fitzpatrick)
-Peacemaking for Families (Ken Sande/Tom Raebe)
-Shepherding a Child’s Heart (Tedd Tripp)

Library and Bookstore News

For information on library procedures, such as checking out books and donating books to the library, refer to the library notebook, located on the library bookshelf.

Also Available in the Library: We now have two journals available:
-The Journal of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
-The Journal of Biblical Counseling (CCEF), on CD-ROM.
These are available in Pastor Kenny’s office; see him to check them out.

For History Buffs

  • December 7, 374 -- The church father Ambrose was consecrated Bishop of Milan. Ambrose was a lawyer who won the position when crowds demanded it. Ambrose had used persuasive oratory to settle a riot between Arians and Orthodox Christians. One of Ambrose’s most important contributions to the church is his refutation of the Arian heresy, which denied that Christ was fully God.
  • January 8, 1956 -- Missionaries Ed McCulley, Nate Saint, Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, and Roger Youderian were killed by the Auca Indians in South America,
    whom they were trying to win to Christ.
  • January 17, 1604-- King James of England gets a motion passed to translate the Scriptures into English. The Geneva Bible which was in use at that time had too many footnotes which, her felt, were critical of the Church of England. Through its powerful rhythms and pleasing phrases, The King James Version (completed in 1611) shaped the language of the Bible-reading public.
  • February 18, 1678--John Bunyan’s Pilgrims Progress, an allegory depicting the Christian life, was first published. It is the most popular Christian book, next to the Bible itself.
    (Adapted from The Christian History Institute,

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Fall 2006

Special Issue on God’s Sufficiency

This Issue’s Book Review: The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment (by Jeremiah Burroughs)

"Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition." This is Jeremiah Burroughs’ definition of Christian contentment, and is the framework for his excellent overview of this often-neglected topic. It is sure to ring a chord with Christians living in a culture saturated with consumerism and greed.

Burroughs takes as his text Philippians 4:11: “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content”.

Burroughs makes the point that only the Christian can be content in whatever circumstance he may find himself, because he can make up all his needs in God Himself. A Christian can make use of the world, yet if those things are taken from him, he is able to be content still, because he is but a stranger in this world. “If you were to live a hundred years,” says Burroughs, “in comparison to eternity it is not as much as a night, it is as though you were traveling and had come to an inn”. Yes, we may enjoy “creature comforts”, but only if they convey to us something of the goodness of God; they should always cause our thoughts to return to the source of all good things.

He then describes the benefits of contentment. Regarding unpleasant circumstances, Burroughs reminds us that the providence of God will yield His results through the circumstance, even if we don’t see how it works. One event leads to another, and God sees the end in view.
Contentment is necessary for spiritual service, argues Burroughs, for God will first quiet a man’s spirit and bring him to be content in any circumstance before he uses him for kingdom tasks.
“There is more good in contentment than there is in the thing that you would fain have to cure your discontent”, says Burroughs.

With regard to trials, Burroughs reminds us that afflictions are, for the believer, in this world only, which is again but a short time. He urges us to keep the mercies we’ve received in view rather than the affliction; there are many godly men and women whose example we may follow in this.

The book may aptly be summarized in this one quote: “A Christian should be satisfied with what God has made the object of his faith (i.e., Christ). The object of his faith is high enough to satisfy his soul, were it capable of a thousand times more than it is. Now if you may have the object of your faith you have enough to content your soul”. --(Reviewed by Phil Simpson)

“The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment”, by Jeremiah Burroughs, can be checked out from the Grace Fellowship Library. The abridged form of this book, “Learning to Be Happy”, is available for sale at The BookStall, Grace Fellowship’s bookstore.

Being Dead, Yet They Speak
(Below are excerpts from “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment”, by Jeremiah Burroughs, 1599-1646)

“A Christian comes to contentment, not so much by way of addition, as by way of subtraction. That is his way of contentment, and it is a way that the world has no skill in. I open it thus: not so much by adding to what he would have, or to what he has, not by adding more to his condition; but rather by subtracting from his desires, so as to make his desires and his circumstances even and equal… [A] heart that has no grace, and is not instructed in this mystery of contentment, knows of no way to get contentment, but to have his possessions raised up to his desires; but the Christian has another way to contentment, that is, he can bring his desires down to his possessions, and so he attains his contentment.”

“A contented man, just as he is the most contented, so he is the most unsatisfied man in the world. You will say, 'How is that?' A man who has learned the art of contentment is the most contented with any low condition that he has in the world, and yet he cannot be satisfied with the enjoyment of all the world… though his heart is so enlarged that the enjoyment of all the world and ten thousand worlds cannot satisfy him for his portion; yet he has a heart quieted under God's disposal.”

“If the children of God have their little taken from them, they can make up all their wants in God Himself… If anything is cut off from the stream (a godly man) knows how to go to the fountain, and makes up all there. God is his all in all.”

“Since God is contented with Himself alone, if you have Him, you may be contented with Him alone, and it may be, that is the reason why your outward comforts are taken from you, that God may be all in all to you. It may be that while you had these things they shared with God in your affection, a great part of the stream of your affection ran that way: God would have the full stream run to Him now.”

Words of Grace From Today

“What the Christian gospel is, is simply this, all the answers you need for time and eternity are in Christ. All the answers for your soul, all the answers for your sin, all the answers for your hope for the life to come, they’re all in Christ and only in Christ. There is no other authority than the Bible, there is no other Savior than Jesus Christ and you will find everything you could ever desire or need in Him. That’s why Colossians 2:10 says, “In Him you have been made complete.” --John MacArthur
Why Read?

"Perhaps the greatest gift any father can bestow upon his children, apart from the covenant blessings of parish life and a comprehension of the doctrines of grace, is a passion for reading. It is cheap, it consoles, it distracts, it excites, it gives a knowledge of the world, and it offers experience of a wide kind. Indeed, it is nothing less than a moral illumination."
--Thomas Chalmers

New to the Library:
The following titles have been added to the Grace Fellowship library. Enjoy!

-Let the Nations Be Glad! (John Piper)
-Don‘t Waste Your Life (John Piper)
-Matthew Henry’s Commentary in One Volume
-Speaking Truth in Love (David Powlison)
-Reforming Marriage (Douglas Wilson)
-All Things for Good (Thomas Watson)

Library and Bookstore News

New Name for the Bookstore: The Grace Fellowship Church bookstore has a new name: The Book Stall!

For information on library procedures, such as checking out books and donating books to the library, refer to the library notebook, located in or near the library bookshelves.
Recycle your small group books! Are you finished with a book you’ve gone through with your small group, and don’t want to keep it? Consider donating it to the library! In this way, you can let the book continue to impact lives (rather than collect dust).

Speaking of donations: The Library Wish List is now in the Library Notebook. To purchase one of those titles for the library, or to suggest another title, see the instructions in the notebook.
Back Issues of “Words of Grace” Now Available Online: Well, more like “back issue”. The Summer issue of “Words of Grace” is now available for viewing at it’s temporary website. To view it, log on to
http://gfcwordsofgrace.blogspot.com. This issue will be posted there shortly as well!

Desert Island Books

Which three books have been the most influential in your Christian life?

*Danny F.: “Knowing God”, by J.I. Packer; “Spiritual Gifts” by William MacRae; and “Trusting God”, by Jerry Bridges.
*Vicki H.: “Knowing God”, by J.I. Packer;
“Future Grace” by John Piper; and “Trusting God”, by Jerry Bridges.
*Pete T.: “The Pleasures of God”, by John Piper; “Pilgrim's Progress”, by John Bunyan; and “The Works of Francis Schaeffer”, by Francis Schaeffer.
*Phil S.: “The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment”, by Jeremiah Burroughs; “The Holiness of God”, by R.C. Sproul; and “The Shadow of the Almighty”, by Elisabeth Elliot.

Wanted: Book Reviews

If you would like to submit a review of a book you’ve read from either the library or the bookstore, you may e-mail it to: psimpson40@verizon.net. All book reviews are subject to editing, and should preferably be 300 words or less.

For History Buffs
Ø September 20, 1565 -- Hundreds of Huguenots (converts to Calvinist Protestantism out of Catholic France) were massacred by Spanish captain Pedro Menéndez in Florida. The matter was bewailed in Europe by Catholics and Protestants alike.
Ø September 22, 1931 -- Noted Oxford and Cambridge literary scholar, author, and Christian apologist C.S. Lewis was converted to Christianity while riding to a zoo in his brother's motorcycle side car. The conversion followed a long talk he'd had the 19th with two Christian friends: J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson. Lewis authored such works as “The Screwtape Letters”, “Mere Christianity”, and “The Chronicles of Narnia”.
Ø September 30, 420 -- Jerome, translator of the scriptures into Latin, died. His translation became known as the Vulgate, because it was written in the popular tongue of the empire. It was the Bible of the Middle Ages.
Ø October 4, 1535-- Miles Coverdale‘s translation of the Scriptures into English was published. He used William Tyndale's translation as a starting point, and filled in the gaps with his own translations based on the Latin Vulgate and Luther's German Bible.
Ø October 16, 1701--Yale University was founded on October 16, 1701. It was founded by Congregationalist ministers unhappy with the growing liberalism at Harvard.
Ø October 17, 107-- Ignatius, bishop of Antioch, was martyred by the lions in a Roman arena for professing the name of Christ. Ignatius was a disciple of John the apostle, and the apostle Peter appointed him bishop at Antioch where he served for forty years. Ignatius wrote shortly before his death, "Nearness to the sword is nearness to God; to be among the wild beasts is to be in the arms of God; only let it be in the name of Jesus Christ. I endure all things that I may suffer together with him, since he who became perfect man strengthens me."
Ø October 27, 1978-- On October 27, 1978 the complete New International Version (NIV) of the Bible was published by Zondervan of Grand Rapids Michigan.
Ø November 7, 680-- The sixth general church council convened in Constantinople to affirm the view that Christ is fully God and fully man.
Ø November 12, 1836 -- Charles Simeon, an influential Anglican evangelical who discipled the missionary and Bible translator Henry Martyn, died. He faced serious opposition because the congregation wanted the assistant curate, Mr. Hammond, as their new vicar instead of Simeon. They locked the gates to keep him out, and removed chairs he set up in the courtyard! Nevertheless, Simeon persevered, preaching through the Bible and becoming a leader of the Evangelicals in the Church of England, and helped bring into existence the British and Foreign Bible Society, the Religious Tract Society, the Church Missionary Society, and other influential Evangelical organizations. He helped appoint evangelical chaplains to India, spreading the gospel into that country when the East India Company would not allow missionaries. The faithful pastor preached until two months before his death. On his deathbed, he said that Genesis 1:1 was a great comfort to him. He explained, "Why, if, out of nothing God can bring all the wonder of the world, He may yet make something out of me!"
Ø November 23, 101 -- Clement, bishop of the church at Rome, was executed. Clement was only the fourth bishop of Rome, the first possibly being Peter. It is possible that these men taught him. We know next to nothing about the two bishops between Peter and Clement, but Clement's letter made him stand out among the early leaders of the Roman church.

(Adapted from The Christian History Institute, http://chi.gospelcom.net/about/index.shtm).

Our Mission

The Grace Fellowship Reading Ministries exists for the purpose of bringing glory to God by serving His church, through the promotion of God-honoring literature, as well as other media. These materials are made available to His body at Grace Fellowship Church, for their edification and encouragement, so that they will be helped to appreciate the Wonders of our God, to love the gospel of the Savior as set forth on the cross, and to be a living display of His Glory by increasing in holiness, servanthood, and love.

Contact Us

For bookstore or library-related questions, contact Phil Simpson. If you prefer e-mail, you may reach him at: psimpson40@verizon.net.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Words of Grace Summer '06

Why Read?

“Give yourself to reading. He who will not use the thoughts of other men's brains proves that he has no brains of his own. You need to read. Renounce as much as you will all light literature, but study as much as possible sound theological works, especially the Puritanic writers, and expositions of the Bible. The best way for you to spend your leisure is to be either reading or praying.” --Charles Haddon Spurgeon

This Issue’s Book Review: Henry Martyn: Confessor of the Faith (by Constance Padwick)

This biography is an encouraging read. It chronicles the life of Henry Martyn (1781-1812), missionary to India.

Martyn was discipled by the great British preacher Charles Simeon while at Cambridge University. Young Martyn showed promise as a scholar, earning the title Senior Wrangler (awarded to the winner of the annual mathematics problem-solving competition), and awaiting a brilliant career in law. But under Simeon’s influence, he abandoned all to serve Christ as a chaplain to the East India Company.

This story is of a man besot with hardships, yet who found Christ sweeter as his world grew more bitter. He endured the difficulties of a godly yet academic personality while on a ship with largely godless sailors. His influence on several of the men is a testimony to the grace of God in this young man’s life.

Perhaps the most touching storyline is the bittersweet romance between Martyn and a young woman named Lydia. The chapter detailing their romance is a lesson in loving Christ above all loves in this world.

The final chapters detail Martyn’s struggle with tuberculosis, while translating the New Testament into Hindustani, Arabic, and Persian. It is amazing that one whose strength was draining was becoming more and more driven to finish the work the Lord had given him to do. As death drew more imminent, so did the boldness with which he defended the Savior’s gospel, even against the hostility of rival religious leaders.

“Henry Martyn: Confessor of the Faith” is definitely a book worth reading. It will encourage those who struggle with loneliness, timidity, or physical maladies with this: Christ is all-sufficient, and even in our weakness He can show Himself strong.
(Reviewed by Phil Simpson. “Henry Martyn: Confessor of the Faith”, by Constance Padwick, can be checked out from the Grace Fellowship Library. )

Being Dead, Yet They Speak

“For every look at self, take ten looks at Christ.” --Robert Murray M’Cheyne, 1813-1843

“One of the greatest privileges and helps to the believer, both in this world and in eternity, consists in their beholding the glory of Christ.” --John Owen, 1616-1683

“The Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have begun thinking less of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this. Aim at heaven and you get earth thrown in; aim at earth and you get neither” --C.S. Lewis, 1898-1963

Words of Grace From Today
“The creator of the universe, who is more glorious and more to be desired than any treasure on earth, has revealed himself in Jesus Christ to be known and enjoyed forever by anyone in the world who will lay down the arms of rebellion, receive his blood-bought amnesty, and embrace his Son as Savior, Lord, and Treasure of their lives. O brothers, do not lie about the value of the gospel by the dullness of your demeanor. ” --John Piper

New to the Library:
The following titles have been added to the Grace Fellowship library. Enjoy!

-Humility: True Greatness (C.J. Mahaney)
-Desiring God (John Piper)
-The Chronicles of Narnia, One Volume Edition (C.S. Lewis)
-Why One Way? (John MacArthur)
-The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment (Jeremiah Burroughs)
-The Holiness of God (R.C. Sproul)
-The Bruised Reed (Richard Sibbes)
-Christ Our Mediator (C.J. Mahaney)
-God is the Gospel (John Piper)
-Counted Righteous in Christ (John Piper)

Library and Book Stall Bookstore News

-The library will be undergoing some improvements in the coming months. Keep looking for new items!
-Phil Simpson has volunteered to oversee the Grace Fellowship Church Library. For any questions related to the library, see him in person, or contact him at the e-mail address given at the end of this newsletter!

How Do I…

-Check a book out of the library?
Books may be checked out of the library by simply printing your name, the Title of the book borrowed, and the date borrowed in the Library Notebook, which is located on top of the library bookshelf.
-Purchase a book from the Book Stall bookstore?
-Books in the Book Stall may be purchased by taking the envelope located in the front of each book, placing the cost of the book in the envelope (if writing a check, make it payable to “Grace Fellowship Church” and write “Bookstore” in the memo), and placing the envelope in the wooden box located on the wall to the left of the bookstore shelves.
-Donate a book to the library?
Wish list:
One way to donate items to the library is to purchase a book on our Wish List. The Wish List is found in the Library Notebook, near the Library bookshelf. Just mark off the item on the Wish List you wish to purchase for the library, write the name of the item on a donation envelope (located inside the Library Notebook), and place the donation in the Bookstore Box (located to the left of the bookstore shelves).
Others: Since we aim to make the library useful and filled with what the elders feel will be the most edifying material, we need to be selective in the items we accept. If you would like to donate an item that is not on the Wish List, it will have to be pre-approved by the elders before we can accept it. Suggestions for the Wish List can be placed on the appropriate page in the Library Notebook; from there, the elders will discuss it. If approved, the book will appear on the library Wish List!
-Replace a lost book?
-If you are able to purchase the book yourself, that would be best. If you’re not sure how to purchase the book, or can’t afford to replace it, contact Phil Simpson (or e-mail him at psimpson40@verizon.net), and arrangements can be worked out.

Wanted: Book Reviews

If you would like to submit a review of a book you’ve read from either the library or the bookstore, you may e-mail it to: psimpson40@verizon.net. All book reviews are subject to editing, and should preferably be 300 words or less.

What Are You Reading Now?

Here is what current members and attendees of Grace Fellowship Church are reading right now:
*Toni F.: “Who Was Adam : A Creation Model Approach to the Origin of Man”, by Fazale Rana and Hugh Ross.
*Jesse H.: “Future Grace”, by John Piper.
*Jim C.: “A New Testament Blueprint for the Church" by John Moore and Ken Neff, and “The DaVinci Deception" by Erwin Lutzer.
*Stephanie T.: “When I Don’t Desire God: How to Fight for Joy”, by John Piper.
*Gerald F.: “A Call to Spiritual Reformation”, by D.A. Carson.

For History Buffs

June 7, 1891--Charles Haddon Spurgeon, "Prince of Preachers," preached his last sermon at the Tabernacle in London. He chose as the topic of his final talk what it is to have Christ as our captain. Spurgeon said, “We are all one in Christ Jesus. Surely this ought to comfort those of you who, by reason of feebleness, are made to feel as if you were inferior members of the body”.
June 22- Bible commentator Matthew Henry died in 1714.

June 27th-- 1736, George Whitefield preached his first sermon. His topic: the need for Christians to help one another. Those who came to listen were so moved by the authority of his words that parishioners complained to the bishop that some had gone "mad."

July 8, 1741--Jonathan Edwards Preached one of the most famous sermons in American history: “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”. Under his teaching, revival swept New England in the Great Awakening.

July 12, 1739--Conversion of David Brainerd, missionary to the Stockbridge Indians in New England. Brainerd lived only 29 years but inspired many to follow Christ. William Carey and Henry Martyn followed his footsteps onto the mission field.

July 13, 1813--Adoniram Judson arrived at Rangoon, the city where he began his work among the Burmese . It was five years before the Judsons baptized their first convert.

July 26, 1833--William Wilberforce, A member of the British Parliament, as he lay dying, was brought word that the bill to outlaw slavery everywhere in the British empire had passed in Parliament. Wilberforce had introduced antislavery measures year after year for 40 years until he retired in 1825.

August 11, 1778--Death of Augustus Toplady, clergyman and writer. He was only thirty-eight when he died, but his short life-span
was enough to produce one of our most beloved hymns: Rock of Ages.

August 12, 1973--Conversion of Chuck Colson. It was the beginning of a transformation which would lead him to found Prison Fellowship and make him a respected Christian author.

August 22, 1948--The World Council of Churches was born in Amsterdam.

(Source: The Christian History Institute, http://chi.gospelcom.net/about/index.shtm).

Our Mission

The Grace Fellowship Reading Ministries exists for the purpose of bringing glory to God by serving His church, through the promotion of God-honoring literature, as well as other media. These materials are made available to His body at Grace Fellowship Church, for their edification and encouragement, so that they will be helped to appreciate the Wonders of our God, to love the gospel of the Savior as set forth on the cross, and to be a living display of His Glory by increasing in holiness, servant hood, and love.

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For Book Stall bookstore or library-related questions, contact Phil Simpson. If you prefer e-mail, you may reach him at: psimpson40@verizon.net.